This digital journal was created to help you gain a better understanding of who you are and what you want out of life by asking you personal questions in 10 categories: personal growth, health, relationships, family, finance, career, home, creative passion, adventure, and the future. Gaining insight about YOU in any aspect of your life will help you identify patterns that can lead to actions.
This Journal Will Walk You Through My Self Discovery Process That Has Helped Me Achieve Success, Become Debt Free, And Discover All Of My Passions.
There are ten sections: personal growth, health, relationships, family, finance, career, home, creative passion, adventure, and future. I provide an introductory paragraph for each section to help you understand why I feel it is important.
The journal is a workbook for your life. Each section has a series of questions and activities for you to complete. Dig deep and be honest with yourself. These questions will allow you to determine if you need to create specific goals.
At the end of each section, based on your answers, you will determine what you need to take action on. Once you go back and read all of your answers, your action items will hit you in the face. You will know what you need to accomplish.
To edit it in Goodnotes or Notability simply Airdrop it from your computer to your tablet if you have a Mac. Or you can click the link while on your tablet and select the program. The Table of Contents is clickable. Also, after each chapter, you can click on "TOC" in the bottom right-hand corner to take you back to the table of contents.
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